December 2021 Update

Updates for this month:

  • Story refinement and character development
  • Dialogue bubble now changes based on who is speaking
  • Overall, making the dialogue easier to work with in the future
  • Emoting and AI actions
  • Scene loading changes (hiding things/feedback, reloading if issues occur)
  • World bounds

SunClusters are a natural phenomena. Just how there can be miles of water but only one spot where a hot spring occurs. There is normal sunshine and then there are SunClusters, spots in the world where the sunlight congregates, forming the ultimate sun lazing experience. Misu, driven by her own lazy desires, is on a quest to find the best SunCluster that ever existed. But unnatural clouds start spreading overhead. If there isn’t sunshine, what will happen to the SunClusters? What will happen to sunbathing!?

With no-cat too concerned about the matter, it ends up being left to Misu, to head to the Cat-pital where the clouds seem to be emanating from and address the Cat Queen. Maybe she will be able to help. Maybe the friends Misu made along her journey will be able to help. Maybe she alone can solve the issue.

… I guess even the laziest of cats will step up when something important happens.

Some current characters:


The main character. A little chonky and a little lazy but will go out of her way to sunbathe.

Cat Queen

The royal family's lineage is all hairless, allowing them to focus more on politics then grooming.


Shopkeeper and "information broker" in the central town. Also a good friend of Misu's.


A Red Dot conspiracist and overall wack-a-doodle.

Traveling Adveturer

A corky cat also on an adventure, with a new and interesting story to tell each time.

Court Wizard

One of the few cats in the world that has incredible knowledge of all things mystical.


The Charlatan. Will be your best friend until he realizes you won't be buying.


Your resident isekai'd side character. I read too many comics and couldn't help myself.

During November I implemented new dialogue UI using speech bubble. This month, I refined it a bit more and updated it for the change in storytelling. No longer is Misu going to be a silent protagonist, so I had to change the UI to reflect that. I also cleaned up some dialogue backend, creating more generic functions, adding character emoting, and making the programming more human readable (maybe slightly less efficient for the machine, but easier to update and edit). Since I have been working on the dialogue and implementing the actual story line, I also started implementing more NPC AI (and re-learning the system I had set up since it’s been a bit).

There is now, also, a more clean scene loading set up as well as scene loading feedback and error handling if something goes wrong while a scene is loading.

More world barriers/boundaries have also been set up so that players stop trying to go places they aren’t supposed to, even though they are aware the game is still early in development and that that kind of testing is not currently needed. I was hoping to push off adding barriers since they are more of a refinement and not super necessary that this stage, but people are people and I guess I should be happy that they want to explore my world in the first place! @_@

Last, but not least, I worked some more on the forest scene, condensing it, adding intractability, as well as developing the main “mission” for that area. Will be working on this more in the upcoming month.

**Models, animations, and images are not final**