November 2021 Update

Updates for this month:

  • UI overhaul – scalable for different phone sizes
  • Dialogue UI speech bubbles
  • Lighting/ new models
  • Additional environmental design

I got a new phone at the end of the month (Pixel 6) so now I can test my game on higher end hardware. But no fear! I also kept my old phone to test on so that I can make sure Misu still runs on lower end devices. The main UI has been overhauled to scale more appropriately for the screen’s size. Still not the final UI assets, but a bit closer to what it might look like. The dialogue UI also got overhauled to look more like comic book speech bubbles.

Even though I am going for a very flat style, depth is still important for a 3 dimensional game. Certain models had completely lost all depth due to shadows, so I manipulated the lighting to lighten those super shaded spots while still trying to maintain that flat look.

I also recently added another new asset that allows for in-engine 3D modeling, UModeler, which should speed up my ability to prototype and make models (since I don’t need anything too complex for I’m doing low-poly).

**Models, animations, and sounds are not final**